Yes, for sure, the end of the world and the return of that Jewish Messiah has been predicted and expected in pretty much every generation since the 1st Century AD. Certainly the Black Plague in Europe, or World War 1 and 2 seemed to qualify, but no. We have seen a few years back Y2K, 88 reasons for the rapture to happen in 1988, the predicted Russian invasion of Israel in the 1980’s and the financial collapse of America, blood moons, and so on and so forth. It is the old Crying Wolf Story all over again, and people are just tired of hearing it.
But now, in our own epoch, the Jews have unexpectedly returned to the Holy Land after 2000 years. And the highly unlikely capturing of Jerusalem in an overwhelming un-asked-for war of annihilation in 1967 instead left their ancient capital again in the hands of the Jewish people – in just six days, rather reminiscent of that six-day creation. The signature of God.
The return of the Jews to the Land of Israel is not passing quietly. A tiny nation the size of the state of New Jersey is causing a ruckus around the world, irritating all nations. It is a slap in the face to both Mecca and Rome, both whose theologies have replaced Jerusalem once and for all. And a series of intended genocidal wars launched by Israel’s Islamic neighbors have all passed in the defeat of Allah’s armies. Now due to the amazing advance of technology, all may view this live-time on their smartphones while walking down the street. There are many who declare this all as mere happenstance, and others deem it “an unfortunate political accident,” brushing off any similarity to Biblical prophecies predicting such events as purely coincidental. Their vacuum-packed Replacement Theology preventing any such possible recognition. Even the most recent Iranian attack on Israel with hundreds of missiles causing no deaths or destruction in Israel, they attribute to the great miracle of technology alone.
And you might just wish to count how many nuclear warheads are now bristling in the hands of various countries today, including some very bad players, and which have proliferated from zero to just two bombs around the time of my birth to, as of 2024, approximately 3880 active nuclear warheads, and 12,119 total nuclear warheads in the world.
But never mind, it could all be just another Crying Wolf tale of our own generation that shall be peacefully resolved by the wisdom of men in such august bodies as the United Nations. Or not.