I was born into this world just as the devastations of World War Two came to an end, and no Jewish state existed. My earliest memories were hearing of the Holocaust and concentration camps from my Hungarian grandmother whose family perished in that ‘Final Solution’ to the Jewish Problem, and then watching the black and white films coming out of Europe showing us the tractors shovelling piles of dead Jews into pits. It was a nightmare, and I saw no advantage whatsoever of being a Jew.
Theodore Herzl was right- there was a need for a Jewish state. Even the rest of the world recognized that after all the facts of the Final Solution came forth from the ashes. And so the State of Israel, being a refuge where Jews might defend their existence, was born three years after my birth.
From the moment of Israel’s birth the Arabs attempted to abort it, but failed, and failed more than once, unto this very day. Until I encountered the Messiah this meant nothing at all to me. And beside, the Holocaust was now old history, and surely the world had learned from its insanity and depravity.
But now, in our time, we are witnessing again an outbreak of virulent anti-Semitism/anti-Israelism on a worldwide scale as never before. At least one major nation has declared as its objective and religious duty the obliteration of the Jewish state “from the river to the sea.” On all the campuses of Higher Learning that vicious chant has freely broken out of Hell, a sleeping monster fed by Ignorance and a steady stream of hateful propaganda along with the decline of the Judeo-Christian worldview and knowledge of the Bible. Even the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has helped create that vacuum by forcing out Ten Commandments monuments from all public view and consciousness, warring against God Himself.
Many are calling for a Palestinian state as a final solution, but rewarding Islamic Terrorists with a Jew-free (Judenrein) state of their own is much like Chamberlain rewarding Hitler with the Sudetenland for "Peace in our time." Does anyone remember that?
But this artist has done his small part in this history, helping build up the Land of Israel for 45 years, during which I even set up my own Ten Commandments monument in the heart of America, filling that void like the proverbial finger in the dike, and making that Bible visible with the tools granted me, and having it once again go forth from Zion, even as that word becomes a curse, and a people representing a mere .02% of humanity, and a nation the size of New Jersey embattled round about, are deliriously hated once again on the world stage. May each of us do our part in this ultimate spiritual war.
Shalom. Please keep doing that which you do.
Thank you